Deborah Manners BSc(Hons)DipEd  > Go to Blog

Specialist in Food Toxins & Disease



I am the founder of The Food Intolerance Institute of Australia - foodintol®. I now have more tham fifteen years of experience helping people along the journey of discovering their food sensitivities. This, combined with long-term research of the medical literature - has given me extensive knowledge of food intolerance, food toxins and their links to disease.

But it started from a place of misery and suffering. For decades I endured serial bronchial infections, sinus pain and chronic headache. Along with this I had chronic fatigue, bloating, unexplained weight gain, digestive issues and multiple miscarriages.

Then a moment came when I was giving blood at the Blood Bank. I had been a regular donor ... but on this occasion the attending nurse noticed my iron levels were very low - and she referred back to my previous visits. In fact they were all consistently low, almost anaemic readings - and she refused to let me donate. 

I was miffed. How could I flunk blood donation?


Then the nurse asked, 'Do you think you could have celiac disease?'

'What's celiac disease?', I asked.  Full story > 


From this point I began scouring the medical journals for more information - and within a few weeks had some answers. I was beginning to get well. When I removed gluten and dairy products from my diet - it was a huge turning point both personally and professionally.

It occurred to me that others would be similarly affected - and might benefit from my findings. So the Food Intolerance Institute was born. Now there are thousands of grateful 'converts'.


About Deborah Manners

Ms Manners is a leading expert and authority on food toxins as a consumer issue and has authored a series of how-to guides and journals for anyone who suspects they have food intolerance - available at new website foodintol® LoTox.

Other works:

  • Stealthy Damage (2021)

  • Food Toxins Linked to Heart Disease, Cancer, Obesity and Dementia (2021) 

  • Unravelling the Mystery of Disease (2024) book

  • Unravelling the Mystery of Disease 2024, video.


From mathematics, chemistry and physics teacher to TV production and food intolerance specialist: Deborah conducted corporate training and produced documentary programs for Tourism Victoria, Cadbury Schweppes, Kraft Foods, AON and others. Later she became business development manager with global accounting firm Ernst & Young.

After years of research solving her own food intolerance issues, Deborah realised there was a major gap in how food intolerance is addressed in Australia, and launched in July 2003. Within eight months the site enjoyed top internet rankings which persist today.



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals