Dairy Sensitivity - Frequently Asked Questions

The inability to process FOOD TOXINS in milk products (dairy sensitivity) affects more than 70% of all people. Both lactose and casein (milk protein) are culprits. Studies show these food toxins cause damage to tissues and organs - and over time this develops into chronic disease.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Dairy Sensitivity

How common is Dairy Sensitivity?

Dairy sensitivity is increasing due to strong marketing of milk products - and the mass production of foods containing low-cost dairy derivatives.

A. Lactose: Recent evidence indicates that up to 75% of the world’s population is Lactose Intolerant to some extent*. That is, three quarters (¾) of all people have difficulty digesting lactose.

B. Casein: Other people (~ 3%) are allergic to Casein (the protein found in milk). This is usually detected in babies by projectile vomiting, colic or other troublesome conditions but can be undiagnosed till later.


Dairy sensitivity is responsible for symptoms like bloating, flatulence, diarrhea and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in millions of people and appears more frequently now that thousands of processed foods contain dairy derivatives. Heavily subsidised dairy farming now produces millions of tons of milk derivitives - delivering low cost ingredients for manufacturers.

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What are the symptoms of Dairy Sensitivity?

A. Lactose sensitivity:

  • Nausea, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Malabsorption - nutrient deficiency like anaemia, bone density loss
  • Mood swings, depression

B. Casein allergy:

  • Common allergy symptoms like itchy skin, eczema
  • Leaky Gut - malabsorption: bone density loss, anaemia
  • Respiratory problems like coughing, asthma, sinusitis.



The symptoms of Dairy sensitivity can be confused with those of Fructose sensitivity and Gluten sensitivity, they all overlap. All food sensitivity symptoms - if left untreated - become worse with age.

How is Dairy Sensitivity identified?

A. Lactose: Some people get clinical tests including the Hydrogen breath test and stool acidity tests. Unfortunately most clinical testing for food sensitivity is not reliable. Breath tests are amongst the least trusted methods. 

B. Casein allergy is often apparent with very young babies when they are first given cow's milk formula. But the sensitivity can remain undiagnosed until adulthood. Symptoms including hives, eczema, projectile vomiting, asthma, diarrhea and frequent infections like coughs and colds.


A. Lactose: Generally if gastro-intestinal symptoms are chronic (ie. you have had symptoms for a long time) then Lactose is a suspect - along with Gluten and Fructose. 

B. Casein Milk protein allergy can easily be identified using medical testing methods.


How did I get Dairy Sensitivity?

A. Lactose: It’s all in the genes. If your ancestry is Northern European (eg. Dutch or Scandinavian) the chance of Lactose Sensitivity is only 25%. That means your ancestors have had enough evolutionary exposure to milk products to achieve some adaptation. If not then generally you have a 75% chance of reacting badly to lactose*.

B. Casein: Milk protein is a straight up food toxin for most humans.Poisoning manifests as nagging ailments which develop into disease by around age 30 - 40.

Comments: If you are Dairy sensitive and have children - then you have already passed on the gentic material to them. Make sure you alert them to the possibility so they can make well-informed health choices.Dairy sensitive people improve dramatically on a Dairy-free diet.

How is Dairy Sensitivity treated?

A. Lactose: The obvious and simple strategy for managing Dairy Sensitivity is to go Dairy-free. However because Dairy sensitivity has many of the same symptoms as Fructose sensitivity you need to keep some notes. Track how your symptoms improve (or not) on a changed diet - by using a Journal.

B. Casein: Obviously a dairy-free diet is the answer. However for Casein there needs to be more vigilance as Casein is now included in thousands of processed foods. Get into the habit of reading labels for dairy and milk derivatives.

When will I be cured from Dairy Sensitivity?

Here at foodintol® we don't regard dairy sensitivity as a 'disease' - rather it is slow poisoning. So it does not need to be 'cured'. It is an inability to digest cow's milk - because your body does not have the equipment to process it. After all, cow's milk is intended for the cow's offspring, the calf.


I think I might have dairy sensitivity: What should I do?

Begin with our free e-book. Research indicates that doing nothing can be a risk. Undiagnosed food intolerance can cause serious long-term health problems like osteoporosis, anaemia and many others.

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All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals