Dairy Intolerance: Lactose Intolerance, Casein Allergy




Prevalence and Symptoms

Three in four people (75%) are unable to process FOOD TOXINS in dairy foods like milk, yoghurt, cheese and ice cream.  But most are unaware.

Persistent ailments like headache, chronic cough in adults, skin issues like eczema, stomach bloating, irritable bowel, depression and low iron - often suggest mild poisoning.

Dairy products contain a raft of food toxins - now linked to dozens of diseases including autoimmune disorders - plus schizophrenia, depression and other and mental illness. 

Unfortunately dairy intolerance is increasing due to very effective marketing of milk products - and the mass production of foods containing cheap and abundant milk derivatives.


Lactose intolerance - why now?




Lactose Intolerance: Recent evidence indicates that up to 75% of the world’s population is Lactose Intolerant to some extent*.

That is, three quarters, 75% of all people have difficulty digesting lactose. That is - their bodies are somewhat poisoned by the FOOD TOXINS. Depending on cultural background it can be higher or lower (90% of African Americans are Lactose Intolerant - and around 25% of Northern Europeans.)

Casein Allergy: Many people are also allergic to Casein (milk protein). One study gives prevalence as 2 - 3% of the general population. Casein allergy is usually detected in babies by projectile vomiting, colic or other troublesome conditions.

Learn more with the Free ebook about Food Toxins


Why do you have dairy intolerance?

All food intolerance is genetic. You got it from your parents, grandparents and other ancestors - it’s in your genes. If your ancestry is Northern European (eg. Dutch or Scandinavian) the chance of Lactose Intolerance is only 25%. If not - then generally you have a 75% chance of being Lactose Intolerant*.

Milk protein allergy is also genetic. Therefore - if you have children - you have already passed on the genetic material to them. Make sure you alert them to the possibility - so they can make changes and protect themselves from future disease.

If your parents or grandparents are having health problems - why not share this knowledge with them? Food sensitive people improve dramatically on a LOW-TOXIN diet.

Here at foodintol® we don't regard dairy intolerance as a 'disease'. Therefore it does not need to be 'cured'. Any food intolerance only comes about because we eat inappropriate foods our bodies are unable to digest.

Dairy intolerance is the inability to digest cow's milk - because your body does not have the equipment to process it. After all, cow's milk is intended for the cow's offspring, the calf.


Calcium from Dairy: Fact or Fiction?

Marketing people love to tell us how much calcium there is in milk products - and how they can help prevent loss of bone density and osteoporosis. But should we believe everything they say?

Calcium from Dairy Foods?

Do you eat Dairy foods "to make sure you get enough calcium?". Marketing for Dairy foods certainly uses this a major motivator.

Twenty One Serves a Week? ... Really?

Milk derivatives like “milk solids” and “whey powder” can make food taste good and do contain some calcium. However the calcium found in dairy foods is in the wrong form which for easy absorption by the body. Haven't you ever wondered why they tell us we need "three serves a day" - equal to 21 serves a week to fetch enough calcium for our needs?

  • Is it because dairy foods don't actually deliver a whole lot of usable calcium? If it was a great source we would only need a little.


What dairy Also Contains . . .

This much dairy food in a week means that all the other dairy components like cholesterol, fat and lactose are being absorbed at the same time. To reduce fats people then switch to low fat varieties.

The trouble is - doing this delivers lactose and casein in much larger amounts: skim milk and low fat milk products are usually supplemented with additional milk solids, sugars and other derivatives to give them substance and make them taste better.

You may have been advised to switch to low-fat milk to reduce cholesterol. But with much higher levels of lactose – this can bring on severe diarrhea and other gastro-intestinal symptoms. If you have noticed that - then you have dairy intolerance.

So - if you take milk products for calcium - think about what you are also eating - casein and lactose (known to give dozens of difficult ailments).

Many people in western developed countries eat all types of foods indiscriminately and may have come to accept chronic flatulence, constipation and bloating as 'normal'. However these Irritable bowel symptoms are not normal and can lead to disease.

Compared to milk - there are many other sources of calcium from foods: green leafy vegetables and fish with bones like canned salmon and white bait - none of which cause symptoms.


A Billion Chinese People Can't Be Wrong

For many thousands of years there has never been any milk or Dairy food in the traditional Chinese diet. So - according to the "three serves of dairy a day" rule - shouldn't all those Chinese be suffering from osteoporotic broken hips?

Of course mainland ethnic Chinese have not suffered any noticeable calcium deficiency - or osteoporosis. In addition - ethnic Chinese eating a traditional diet of fish, vegetables and rice also have low levels of cholesterol and heart disease.

On the other hand - Westerners in developed countries with abundant dairy foods in the diet have the highest levels of osteoporosis and other chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

  • This is at odds with the 'general rule' peddled by dairy corporations that milk prevents osteoporosis

Recent clinical studies have shown that consuming dairy products at the recommended level (three serves a day) does not reliably prevent osteoporosis. In fact it can contribute to bone density loss. A 1992 study showed that women on dairy-rich diets actually had a higher rate of bone fracture from osteoporosis that those on a dairy-free diet. It was found that the level of calcium in the body was a delicate balance:

  • Calcium absorption from the diet offset by
  • Leaky Gut: allowing nutrients to leave to body before absorption
  • The loss of calcium leached out by eating animal protein, caffeine, salt and also by smoking and physical inactivity.

So prevention of osteoporosis is not just a matter of eating calcium-rich foods. Firstly the calcium must be in a form that is readily absorbed and secondly we must take care with factors that cause calcium loss, like Leaky Gut



Cow's milk and Respiratory Disease, Gastrointestinal Disease, Skin disorders and Neurological disorders



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals