Symptoms of Wheat Intolerance and Gluten Intolerance


When people say they have Wheat allergy - they are usually referring to Gluten sensitivity. Why? Because it is not possible to be sensitive to wheat without also reacting badly to other grass grains like barley, rye and others: For example shifting to rye bread only gives temporary relief.

Delayed reactions explained in video:


Wheat allergy is rather rare - and causes the same sudden onset symptoms caused by other allergens - itchy skin, coughing, asthma, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, rashes etc.

Wheat intolerance (Gluten intolerance) is much more common (15% of people) and its symptoms are much more varied. They usually have a delayed onset - and can be up to 2 or 3 days later.

This is why these intolerances are traditionally difficult to diagnose with clinical tests. Missed diagnoses and inconclusive results are common and lead people down a wrong path. However a simple Journal gives fast, accurate results - as in foodintol® LoTox Living


Identifying Symptoms of Wheat Intolerance

There are actually dozens of symptoms caused by the 'inability to digest gluten' - in wheat and other grains. This list covers a few of the main ones and their categories. Note that these are exactly the symptoms which fill up doctors' waiting rooms:

    • Gastro-intestinal: Stomach bloating & pain, Diarrhea, Flatulence, Constipation etc.
    • Neurological: Frequent headaches, memory loss, behavioural difficulties, Depression
    • Low immunity: Frequent infections like colds & 'flu, and bacterial infections, mouth ulcers
    • Inflammation and inflammatory disease: Stiff joints, allergies, Arthritis, colitis, thyroiditis etc.
    • Skin rashes: Eczema, Psoriasis, itching flaky skin
    • General: food cravings, tiredness, Chronic fatigue, unwell feeling


Definition and differences: Wheat Intolerance and Wheat Allergy

Definition of Wheat Allergy

Wheat Allergy is a very rare severe sudden-onset allergic reaction to a certain protein component of wheat. Symptoms include coughing, asthma and skin hives. However - true food allergies are discovered very early in life in babies upon first exposure to the food.

Most people who speak of wheat allergy are really referring to the inability to digest Gluten, Gluten intolerance. Gluten is a very complex protein found in wheat and some other grains. It is a much more common slow-onset reaction - and affects one in seven people or 15%.

Definition of Wheat Intolerance

Wheat Intolerance (Gluten intolerance) involves the immune system because gluten’s breakdown proteins are seen as ‘foreign’ by your immune system. This sets up inflammation and disrupts processes. That’s why people get chronic (long term) symptoms like aching joints, gastro-intestinal problems, depression, eczema, low blood iron levels and others. Sometimes the first indication of wheat intolerance is diagnosis of anaemia.


How common is Wheat Intolerance and Wheat Allergy?

Prevalence of Wheat Allergy and Wheat Intolerance

Wheat Allergy is rare (less than ½% of people) - or one in two hundred.

Wheat Intolerance is due to Gluten - up to 15% of people, or one in seven. Some of them meet the requirements of Celiac testing - and so are said to have Celiac Disease. But most Gluten sensitive people are Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive (NCGS) - so do not show positive Celiac biopsy results.

This is an important point - because these people are never told about the simple solution to their illnesses and symptoms - by adjusting their diet. That's why the vast majority of Gluten-sensitive people are undiagnosed.  They don't get well - their symptoms remaining a mystery to their doctors - and go on to develop into chronic disease.

But it's simple to fix! If you are one of the 75% of people who are affected by food intolerance, it makes sense to investigate - doesn't it?  Try a LOW TOXIN DIET.


What are the symptoms of Wheat Intolerance and Wheat Allergy?

The Symptoms for Wheat Allergy

Sudden onset symptoms - coughing, asthma, nausea, vomiting, hives, rashes etc.

The symptoms of Wheat Intolerance

These are usually delayed reactions - even many days later:

  • Stomach bloating, Diarrhea, or Flatulence, or Constipation
  • Headache, migraine
  • Poor resistance to infection, mouth ulcers, colds and 'flu
  • Respiratory conditions: sinus, coughing, Asthma, bronchitis
  • Arthritis, back ache, Restless legs
  • Skin rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, itching flaky skin
  • Tiredness, lethargy Chronic Fatigue
  • Memory loss, behavioural difficulties
  • Depression, mood swings, cravings


What Causes Wheat Intolerance and Wheat Allergy?

Causes of Wheat Allergy and Wheat Intolerance

Wheat Intolerance is not something you ‘catch’. It is in your genes - genetic. Just like blue eyes or freckles - you got it from your parents and grandparents. And if you have children – you will already have passed on those genes to them. Therefore it's a good idea to alert them to the possibility.

Your ethnic ancestry has a lot to do with it. Some cultures have had more 'evolutionary exposure' to grass grains like wheat and barley - and have evolved the biological equipment to more fully digest them.

The growing of grain crops (wheat farming) has only been practiced for around 10,000 years. Compared to the time humans have been eating other foods in the hunter-gatherer lifestyle (meat, fish, vegetables and fruits) - 2.5 million years - that's a very short period.

Our bodies just haven't evolved that fast. In fact our capacity to grow high yield grain crops like Wheat and barley has far outstripped our digestive system's rate of development. That is, as a species, not all humans yet have the necessary genetic makeup to break down the complex part of the grain: the Gluten.

Gluten is a highly complex protein. It is one of the largest and most complicated molecules we eat. It is responsible for Leaky Gut Syndrome – because it damages the small intestine and this is where all the trouble begins.

What is the Treatment for Wheat Intolerance and Wheat Allergy?

Treatment for Wheat Allergy

Wheat Allergy (sudden onset reactions) is identified in babies - when they are first introduced to solid foods like wheat cereal. Some people think the solution is a Wheat-free diet. However in our experience (ten years helping thousands of people worldwide) - a wheat-free diet is hardly ever the answer. There are usually many other factors causing symptoms.

Treatment for Wheat Intolerance

Wheat Intolerance (slower onset responses like headache, or skin rashes, or gastro-intestinal difficulty like constipation) is also apparent when babies are first introduced to gluten grains. But because the reactions are delayed they are more difficult to connect to the food which caused it.  So the diagnosis of Gluten intolerance is usually missed - or misdiagnosed as other conditions.

Wheat intolerance and Gluten intolerance, (the latter is much more likely) are both effectively treated with a Gluten-free diet. No medications, tests or procedures are needed to get well! The main thing is to identify it - and adjust the diet -using a purpose-designed journal and food guides. Once identified - healing begins almost immediately.

See foodintol®LoTox Living


When will I be cured of Wheat Intolerance or Wheat Allergy?

You will be cured when you stop eating the food toxins which cause your symptoms.

Here at foodintol® we don't regard food sensitivity as a disease. It is people eating foods which contain toxins that make them sick. When you understand this, you realise you don't need medications for a 'cure'. You just need to AVOID FOOD TOXINS.

Any type of Food sensitivity is genetic. It's in your genes - and you cannot change those. Just like blue eyes or freckles - you got them from your parents, grandparents and other ancestors. And if you have children – you have already passed on those genes to them. Therefore it's a good idea to alert them to the possibility they may be reacting badly to food toxins. 




In-depth Information About Wheat Intolerance

What Is In Wheat That Causes These Symptoms?

Most of these symptoms are caused by a protein in the wheat grain - known as gluten - or more precisely - the protein breakdown fragments of Gluten.

Gluten is an enormous molecule - in fact it is one of the most complex proteins eaten by man. To be digested it needs to break down many times and many of us do not have the right biological equipment to achieve its full digestion. Our bodies were not 'designed' to digest grass grains like wheat.

    • The animals which have the perfect and ideal digestive systems for grass grains are birds
    • Yes, grazing animals like cows eat grass - but they have evolved four stomachs to do the job!


Gluten is very difficult to digest

Some digestion begins in the mouth where the wheat product is chewed and munched and mixed with enzymes in the saliva. This physically breaks up the food before it is swallowed and enters the stomach.

But the actual protein breakdown does not begin until the wheat passes into the stomach. In gluten sensitive people (those who are unable to digest gluten) the efefects can first be felt in the duodenum - the very first part of the intestine. Typically a "bloating" sensation happens there after a meal - located right under the ribs and above the waist.

But - as many people know too well - there are other symptoms still to come. The first split-up of the huge gluten protein produces two smaller types of protein - known as peptides: gliadins, glutenins.

Unfortunately - for people who are wheat or gluten intolerant - this is where all the problems begin. Gliadins and glutenins behave in quite different ways - but when working together can have devastating effects on the human body.

While the gliadins work to perforate the intestine and create systemic havoc (inflammation) - glutenins also get a free ride into the bloodstream via the damaged intestine - and initiate respiratory disease, anxiety, depression, skin issues and schizophrenia.


Two Protein Breakdown Products of Gluten:

1). Gliadins

The first breakdown product of gluten - gliadins - can have a destructive effect on certain parts of the intestine. In fact, because of this, gluten is regarded by some as "the protein with teeth" - because this peptide gliadin (protein fragment) can actually tear tiny holes in the small intestine.

Now this may not sound too bad. Everything heals pretty quickly, right?

However the small intestine is where two vital bodily functions take place - absorption and filtering.

    • ABSORPTION of all the good parts of food happens in the small intestine. We need to convert food into energy so we can live and breath and work. So we need the right mix of nutrients and water for every organ and system to operate properly. When absorption does not happen properly we miss out on fluids and nutrients and develop dehydration, mineral deficiencies and go on to chronic diseases like anaemia and osteoporosis and others.
    • FILTRATION happens at the small intestine too. The small intestine also acts as a screening mechanism. It prevents toxins like bacteria, fungals and indigestible things from entering our bloodstream. But when this filter gets holes in it - (with gluten damage you can actually see damaged tissue via the biopsy) - all kinds of foreign particles and substances flow freely into the bloodstream and from there can travel to anywhere in the body: the joints, the organs, the skin and brain.

And even though the human body can heal itself fairly quickly for isolated or one-off events, we generally eat grain-based foods several times a day: breakfast cereals, sandwiches, muffins, cookies, bowls of noodles and pasta. so if you are gluten intolerant - your body never gets the chance to heal. Years and years of damage eventually makes you ill.


 2). Glutenins

Another breakdown peptide of gluten is glutenin. This peptide is responsible for strengthening bread dough and allows loaves to remain raised and 'light' for eating. However glutenins are also associated with addictive symptoms: cravings, binge eating and addictive behaviour.

    • You can see from all this that your small intestine is a vital part of your body - and why intestinal health is so central to good health


I am ready for an immediate solution - what's next?

Begin with free ebook. There are more than twenty food toxins and they act together in various ways to damage cells and provoke the immune system.

Learn more with free ebook about food toxins



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals