Deborah Manners BSc(Hons)DipEd

Founder, Director

Video interview, 'What drives you?'



If only I'd had this knowledge before - I could have saved myself years of misery! But now you can benefit from all our research on food toxins.



Back in the 1970s all I wanted was relief - and weight loss. But because there was little information - I took the long road of investigating food intolerance. Years of studying the medical journals  - and I got answers! Knowledge really is power.


I had constant symptoms (headaches, anaemia, sinus pain, chronic tiredness, glandular fever, pneumonia, gastro symptoms, frequent virus infections - even after two miscarriages and a life-threatening blood disease - doctors were unable to heal me - or even tell me why


I had always followed well-known nutritional 'rules' - but had gained many kilos without explanation. For two decades I had dozens of tests and many pills and antibiotics - with all their side effects. But nothing changed.


So I decided to apply my experience and qualifications in Science. In 1996 after months of research in university libraries reading dozens of studies - I tracked down the possibility of food intolerance and began experimenting with foods. Well, what a revelation!

This is me today - well, energised and so much slimmer! That was the 'long road'. 

From this we created first the Healing Program used by thousands with great results.

Based on the vast amount of emerging evidence on FOOD TOXINS it has been redeveloped for foodintol® LoTox.



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals