Stomach Bloating - Intestines At Breaking Point

The action of FOOD TOXINS is now known to generate unwanted gases in the intestine. . . oops.

If your stomach (abdominal) bloating happens every day, it's chronic – and it's a classic symptom of sensitivity to food toxin. It can be relieved permanently and easily with no need for probiotics, supplements or special yogurts. . . a LOW TOXIN DIET... foodintol® LoTox Living


Why now? I've never had this before


People often ask us - 'Why now - in my twenties/thirties/forties . . . ?? I've never had this before - what's changed?'

Food intolerance is from birth - because it is genetic. Young bodies can cope with all kinds of abuse. But with age - we experience stresses:

  • A career change or job loss
  • Death of a loved one, or relationship breakdown
  • Birth of a child
  •  . . . even moving house

In our twenties we could swallow anything without consequence: daily pizza, fried foods, milk shakes, beer, chocolates, scotch whisky, lots of salt and sugar - just for breakfast! Young bodies are resilient.

But as we age, our bodies become less tolerant of this misuse. Even if you never previously had trouble digesting dairy foods, grains or artificial sweeteners - you can suddenly you find yourself bloating up after meals, or really uncomfortable in a favourite skirt. It's not 'normal' to suffer like this. 

Learn more with the Free ebook about Food Toxins


Why bloating happens

Food toxins are powerful! And they totally disrupt normal bodily processes like digesiton.

The digestive process routinely produces gases in moderate volume that are odourless or almost so. Different foods are digested at different rates and with different chemicals present. For example - the biochemical process for digesting meat is different from the process to break down sugars, starches or fats. Each food breakdown process has its different needs .

Most of the time our amazing human body provides the enzymes, acids and other things in the exactly right concentration and at exactly the right moment for digestion to run well. Most of the time the foods we eat are successfully transformed into energy and waste materials... most of the time.

This alone should be regarded as a miracle!


The  miracle of digestion

After all, we eat a huge variety of different foods. We eat while walking around. We get up and run after eating. We eat too much. We eat indiscriminately. And sometimes we eat when we're not even hungry.

In addition - we eat foods that are not suitable for us, we drink alcohol - sometimes in excess - and we take drugs. The body still goes ahead trying to process it, but the waste products may not be the same. Different gases may be produced, in larger quantities and at higher temperatures than usual.

Think about it: hot gases cause pressure and ballooning in some parts of the small and large intestines causing pockets of gases and moving pain and gurgling, rumbling noises.

Of course these gases are not the usual odourless ones. They are the result of incomplete or abnormal digestion, but it's the best your body can do with the foods you have given it to digest. Many of us just don't have the biological equipment to process certain foods!

This kind of gaseous waste is often hot, smelly, noisy, painful and highly toxic. Not to mention embarrassing. Flatulence is the really unmentionable twin symptom of bloating.

  • To reiterate - bloated stomach is the result of incomplete digestion
  • The bloating is excess gas arising from abnormal reactions in the gut


Learn more with the Free ebook about Food Toxins



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals