Learn about three causes of back pain

Read more: The Back Pain Issue

What's really in them?

Read more: Food Toxins in Supplements?

How accurate is your knowledge?

Read more: Quick Quiz

Health insurers miss connection

Read more: Health Insurers Miss Consumer Trend

Are plant milks like oatmilk ok for gluten-free?

Read more: Oats and the Gluten-free Diet

Dairy products - for calcium? Don't buy into it.

Read more: Dairy - the Calcium Myth

New disease theory questions medical method

Read more: On The Origin Of Disease

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 Colicky babies suffer so much. Find out how breast milk may cause it.

Read more: Why Breast May Not Be Best

Food Intolerance Self Assessment Scoring

How did you score?

Use these ratings to score your likelihood of disease(s).


Your Score

Likelihood of disease

Expected benefits of low-toxin diet

10 - 30

Low likelihood of diagnosed disease right now. However - many people suffer common symptoms, without counting them as ‘disease’.

EXPECTED BENEFITS: Food toxins do silent damage – often with no noticeable symptoms. But effects can appear from teens or twenties. Reducing toxins stops damage happening and allows the immune system to state repairing.

TYPICAL HEALTH ISSUES: Respiratory disease, irritable bowel, cluster headaches, miscarriage, infertility, eczema, psoriasis, migraines, back pain, high blood pressure, depression, addiction, psychosis.

31 - 45

Medium likelihood of disease diagnosis now or soon. Intestinal, skeletal issues or mental may appear.

EXPECTED BENEFITS: Symptoms reduce - reducing risk of chronic disease. Reducing toxins stops further damage and allows the immune system to state repairing. Also increased defence from infection.

TYPICAL HEALTH ISSUES: Hypertension, heart disease, miscarriage, infertility, cancers, back pain, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, diabetes, autoimmune disorders: multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disease, mental illness.

46 - 58

Medium-high likelihood of serious disease diagnosis already or soon: skeletal damage at e.g. hip joints, vertebrae. Organ damage at liver, kidney, heart or pancreas.

EXPECTED BENEFITS: Some symptoms fade noticeably, more energy - with reduced risk of full-blown disease. More positive mood, better sleep. Reducing toxins may stop disease progressing further. Freed-up immune resources are released to begin repair of previous damage – and protect from infection.

TYPICAL HEALTH ISSUES: Heart disease, stroke, cancers, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, hearing loss, rheumatoid arthritis (hip reconstruction), glaucoma, gout, diabetes Amputation, blindness), autoimmune disorders: multiple sclerosis, MS, neurodegenerative disease, motor neurone disease

59 - 70

High likelihood of two or more diseases already diagnosed. Skeletal damage, neural damage, organ damage (kidney, pancreas, heart).

EXPECTED BENEFITS: With toxin damage arrested – further damage stops and markers for diagnosed illnesses may improve. Freed-up immune resources can resume providing defence against infection.

TYPICAL HEALTH ISSUES: Stroke, heart attack, heart transplant, cancer treatment, memory issues, respiratory disease, osteoporosis (bone fractures), rheumatoid arthritis (knee, hip reconstruction), glaucoma (blindness), gout, hearing loss, diabetes, autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disease.

71 - 90

Extreme likelihood of two, three or more diseases already present as per above – plus the symptoms caused by side effects of the treatments.

EXPECTED BENEFITS: Unfortunately long-term damage from decades of toxin ingestion is now established. Even so - chronic disease may stop progressing, e.g. hypertension may ease, memory loss may improve and arthritic symptoms may abate. Headaches may ease.


How can I avoid my family's diseases?

Avoiding food toxins with a LOW TOXIN DIET reduces your chances of chronic disease.

Learn more about the Low Toxin Diet at foodintol® LoTox.




All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals


Rate Your Knowledge of Food Intolerance

To substantiate information used to compile this Quiz - see references >


QUICK QUIZ Solutions

Solutions are italicised, bold.



1. How common is food intolerance?


a). 1 in 1000 (0.1%)


b). 3% of all people


c). 1 in 7 people (15%)


d). 1 in 3 people (33%)


e). 3 in 4 (75%)


f ). All people



2. Does Food Allergy involve the immune system?


a). Always


b). Frequently


c). Sometimes


d). Never



3. Does Food Intolerance involve the immune system?


a). Always


b). Frequently


c). Sometimes


d). Never



4. Which type of testing is the most effective for

detecting Fructose malabsorption?


a). Breath testing


b). Intestinal biopsy


c). Blood tests


d). Elimination diet


e). VEGA testing


f). Faecal testing (DNA)



5. Regarding Gluten intolerance what does a

negative test result for Celiac disease mean?


a). You have Celiac disease


b). Gluten intolerance can be ruled out


c). Gluten intolerance cannot be ruled out


d). You have Gluten intolerance



6. Which food intolerance(s) are linked to Eczema?


a). Yeast sensitivity


b). Dairy intolerance


c). Corn allergy


d). Gluten intolerance


e). Nightshade sensitivity


f). Fructose sensitivity


g). Wheat sensitivity


h). Casein allergy



7. What is the difference between wheat intolerance

 and Gluten intolerance?


a). No difference - they mean the same


b). Wheat intolerance is a part of Gluten intolerance


c). Gluten intolerance is part of Wheat sensitivity


d). They have nothing in common at all



8. Which food intolerance(s) are linked to headaches?


a). Casein allergy


b). Gluten intolerance


c). Nightshade sensitivity


d). Lactose intolerance


e). Fructose sensitivity


f). Yeast sensitivity


g). Soy allergy


h). Corn allergy



9. Which food intolerances are not linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?


a). Casein allergy


b). Gluten intolerance


c). Nightshade sensitivity


d). Lactose intolerance


e). Fructose sensitivity


f). Yeast sensitivity


g). Soy allergy


h). Corn allergy



10. What happens when you have Leaky Gut?


a). The gut contents leak into the stomach


b). You suffer from diarrhea


c). The intestine filters out too much waste


d). The intestine cannot absorb nutrients



11. Which of these childhood and teenage health

conditions is linked to food intolerance?


a). Colic in babies


b). Projectile vomiting


c). Diarrhea


d). Moodiness


e). Colds and 'flu


f). Eczema


g). Bronchitis


h). Small stature for age


i). Learning difficulties


j). Behaviour issues


k). Teenage depression


l). Asthma



12. Regarding Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance -

which of these is true?


a). Celiac disease damages the gut - gluten intolerance does not


b). Both can be diagnosed via intestinal biopsy


c). Celiac Disease is a small subgroup of gluten intolerance


d). Celiac Disease and Gluten intolerance are the same thing



13. Which of these medical conditions is linked

to food intolerance?


a). Diabetes Type 1


b). Diabetes Type 2


c). Heart disease


d). Respiratory disease


e). Rheumatoid arthritis


f). Eczema


g). Migraine


h). Frequent colds or 'flu


i). Alzheimer's, dementia


j). Psoriasis


k). Bowel disease e.g. colitis


l). Addiction


m). Multiple sclerosis


n). Osteoporosis


o). Depression


p). Thyroid disease


q). Obesity


s). Miscarriage



14. Which of these symptoms is linked to food intolerance?


a). Sinusitis


b). Chronic cough


c). Back pain


d). Constipation


e). Mood swings


f). Mouth ulcers


g). Heartburn


h). Rashes


i). Colds & 'flu


j). Vaginal thrush


k). Chronic fatigue


l). Repetitive strain injury


m). Allergies, hay fever


n). Dizziness, 'brain fog'


o). Addictions


p). Weight gain


q). Weight loss



15. When people discover their food intolerance and

substitute problem foods - how soon does healing begin? (Select one)


a). Within a few hours


b). Within a few days


c). In two weeks


d). In one month


e). Within a year



Rate Yourself: Maximum Score 100

  • 70 - 79% - Time to investigate food toxins? 
  • 80 - 89% - You're some of the way there - but time to learn more 
  • 90 - 94% - A good grasp of the basics - you should almost have no symptoms!
  • 95 - 100% - We can't teach you anything ... please come and work with us!




All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals


Learn the telltale signs of food intolerance

Read more: Know the 12 Signs

Gradual weight gain? Storing vs burning fat

Read more: Weight Loss Secret

Key findings were published in News Ltd Newspapers and ABC Radio Australia wide.

Read more: Food Intolerance Survey

 Nightshade Vegetables - Sensitivity and Symptoms

Some vegetables - like tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and chilli were only brought to us in the last four hundred years. That is very recently in evolutionary terms! Therefore - many of us have physiology that is ill-equipped to digest them.

If you get a 'high' from eating chillies and can't wait to have them again - that could be addiction - and a sign you have a problem. Nightshades are linked to Leaky Gut syndrome and all its consequences.

You may already understand about "Modern Foods" - like dairy foods, grains and sugars - which contain FOOD TOXINS.

Well - there is another group Nightshade Vegetables - only recently arrived in the human diet. These are primarily native to South America - so their consumption by people with ancestry from other parts of the world carries risk.


These are Nightshade Vegetables

The most commonly eaten nightshade vegetables are:

    • Capsicum family including:

      • bell peppers (capsicums)

      • chilli peppers

      • jalapeno

      • Dried versions like cayenne pepper etc.

    • Aubergine (Eggplant

    • Goji berry (maybe not a 'superfood' after all!)

    • Ground cherry

    • Potatoes - especially potato skins

    • Tamarillos

    • Tomatoes and concentrated tomato products

    • Tomatillos


How Do Nightshade Vegetables Cause Leaky Gut?

Lectins and Saponins



Depending on the quantity eaten, the effect of saponins in these foods can damage the gut lining and lead to disease. Saponins in these foods have evolved to protect the plant from being decimated by insects. The action of the saponins it to dissolve the cell membranes of predatory insects so they die.   

Unfortunately this same effect - damage to cell membranes - can also be suffered by mammals (like us!) frequently in the small intestine. The result is a gut lining that develops holes and allows the passage of foreign - often toxic - substances into our bloodstream - making us ill . . . Leaky Gut.

In addition some of this group of vegetables (e.g. potatoes) also contain lectins which cause additional gut damage in large amounts in some people. Remember - the effects of nightshade vegetables depend on the quantity eaten. Overindulgence - as with any 'modern food' may lead to problems.



I think I might be affected. What should I do?

Begin with our free ebook. Food toxins can cause serious long-term health problems. And Gluten is just one toxin that could be causing your symptoms. There are more than twenty FOOD TOXINS – and they act together in different combinations to damage cells and provoke the immune system. Learn more with Free ebook



Food Intolerance and Gastrointestinal Diseases like Leaky Gut

Which Foods Cause Depression and Anxiety?

Read more: Which Foods Cause Depression?

Kilos creeping on for no reason? Read why ...

Read more: When 'Good' Food Makes You Fat

Constant Headaches? Forever Tired?

Look Younger and Feel Fabulous

You wouldn't run a Ferrari on regular petrol would you? So why run your precious body on foods that make you underperform? Food toxins hold you back - like you're running on three cylinders, with the hand brake on.

Learn more with the Free ebook about Food Toxins


Inflammation and food toxins


Lose The Headache and Chronic Tiredness

When you're in top health, you not only look great - you radiate confidence and get what you want. Glowing health shows in your face, your mood, your language and the way you interact with others.

When you look and feel younger, it's easy to be generous. So dealing with others is less about fault-finding and more about cutting them a little slack. Hey! . . . when you're at the top of your game . . . you can afford to make allowances.

But right now you're getting frequent headaches, feel listless, have no energy, can't be bothered, always wrecked . . . right?

Escape this trap with foodintol® LoTox Living

So - how do you get back to great health? Simple. Reduce the food toxins which are causing it.

Then start eating foods that are right for you. Foods that are appropriate for your precious body!

Health Risks of Untreated Food Intolerance

There are serious health risks associated with food toxins. Left unattended chronic symptoms can develop into chronic disease. That's why it's vital to investigate. Avoid disease later in life . . . find out your problem foods using our simple and free Self- assess test


Health Risks of Long Term Untreated Food Intolerance

Are any of these diseases in your family? All are associated with FOOD TOXINS. Studies show moving to the right helps prevent chronic disease.

  • Anaemia
  • Auto-immune conditions like:
    Behavioural problems in children
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Diabetes type 1
    • Graves’ disease
    • Crohn's Disease
    • Neurodegenerative disorders
  • Bowel cancer
  • Celiac Disease
  • Depression
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Heart disease (atherosclerosis)
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Infertility
  • Learning difficulties
  • Malnutrition (from poor absorption of nutrients)
  • Miscarriage and difficulty conceiving
  • Neurological conditions e.g. multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, epilepsy, memory loss
  • Obesity and metabolism issues
  • Osteoporosis, bone density loss
  • Psychological disorders e.g. depression, behavioural difficulties
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ulcerative colitis


Find out more with the Free ebook about Food Toxins




All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals



Deborah Manners BSc(Hons)DipEd  > Go to Blog

Founder of the Food Intolerance Institute


Video interview, 'What drives you?'




Deborah Manners is a consumer just like you, who used to suffer with a raft of unexplained symptoms and illnesses including migraine, weight gain, IBS, sinusitis, back ache and miscarriage.

Now she is healthy, slimmer and 17 kg lighter. Her two children are now healthy adults. Back in 1996 she discovered she had a number of food intolerances - after exhaustive research of medical journals in university libraries. This knowledge and her journey back to health changed everything in her life, including her career. 

Her passion is to share this knowledge with anyone who wants a healthy body, sparkling mind ... or wants to achieve improved fitness and athletic performance.

Her university studies (Monash University, Australia) included physiology and chemistry majors. These disciplines assisted her original research of medical journals and enabled the high calibre website content about food intolerance. Thousands of scientific papers have been read, digested, sorted and collected together into an easy-to-read format.

Deborah's story


Where do we get our information?

We use the purest and most trustworthy source: peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals. Thousands of scientists are working all round the world all the time to explore how foods affect our bodies and what we can do to protect ourselves from ill health and disease.  Here at foodintol® our charter to stay abreast of new findings and report them back to you - the food intolerant consumer.

See our constantly updated  References page for medical Journal references.

With the help of a very talented and dedicated team foodintol® has been created to be what Deborah wanted all those years ago - when she was searching for answers: a comprehensive resource centre about food intolerance with News, Facts and Solutions to streamline life for those with food intolerance.


Our Promise to You

  • Plain language - yet comprehensive information on food intolerance
  • Simple step-by-step guides and strategies for identifying and managing food intolerance
  • Continuously updated titles incorporating new research


Our Mission

We have developed foodintol® to be both educational and effective support for those with food intolerances and food allergies. There are five main issues we face and this is how we address them:


foodintol® is your REFERENCE SITE. Your best defence is always good information! We value education and want you to understand:

      • No two people are the same - and neither are their food sensitivities. We each have unique food needs

      • Undiagnosed food intolerance leads to chronic disease: arthritis, diabetes, cancers and others

      • How to find out what’s in the foods you and your family are eating

      • How to identify and manage your food sensitivities without drugs or therapies


We review scientific and medical findings continuously and publish them (with references) in an easy to understand format. There are always new discoveries being made. 


Minimising Medications

Because food intolerance is genetic - it is for life. You don’t get over it. We believe it is better to adjust your food choices slightly to manage illness and disease - than to use medications. Do this by staying informed, and understanding how you body processes foods.

You can trust foodintol® publications - all our information is drawn from peer-reviewed medical journals.

Driving Change

Since 2003 we have been driving change by publishing and educating the community about food intolerance. We hope healthcare professionals will begin to recognise and diagnose symptoms of food sensitivity more readily. Food intolerance is not well understood by the medical profession - in Australia - or elsewhere  around the world.

Understanding your own individual food intolerance, and its consequences breeds a heightened awareness of food sensitivity generally. Our members need to have A VOICE with food manufacturers, major retailers and government for better, wider choices. One of the major objectives of foodintol® is to raise general awareness of food intolerance and its prevalence - via education in the community. We believe an informed and vocal community will be more effective at bringing about change.



The Food Intolerance Institute of Australia Pty Ltd - foodintol® is a privately funded Australian entity set up to address the needs of those with food sensitivities.ABN 37 644 931 517

We provide information and practical solutions to overcome the difficulties of food intolerance. We derive some revenue from the sale of our publications and support services. No third parties provide funding - and no conflicts of interest arise. Our purpose is to assist those (up to 75%) of all people with special needs arising from food sensitivity.


Advertising policy

We do not accept advertising on this website. We do not participate in free web hosting services. Nor do we display exchanged banner advertisements. foodintol.com and the foodintol® trademark are wholly owned in Australia by the Food Intolerance Institute of Australia Pty Ltd ABN: 37 644 931 517



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical studies